

The long awaited Teatox post.. Your Tea kindly sent me out this amazing 14 day Teatox which is said to improve mood and also aid weight loss and reduce bloating. I was sceptical to say the least and I am not really a fan of all strange teas such as green tea etc, so I was nervous incase it would be a struggle to drink these cups twice a day over the next fortnight. 

Well I now eat my words.. I was very pleasantly surprised!

I would put a small drop of honey in with my tea and after a few days into my Teatox, I was hooked. I really enjoyed it and it became part of my daily routine quite easily. Let me just point out.. these sachets of tea twice a day are not a food and drink replacement. you continue to eat and drink how you like, whilst making sure you find the time to have two cups of teatox within your day to day routine, preferably half an hour before or after meals. 

Right lets get down to the good part, the part you are all waiting to hear. 

The teatox actually WORKS!! I noticed a change in my skin, general health and yes it does decrease bloating. I'm not sure if you create various positive mental attitudes around this time, due to being subconsciously aware that you are taking something beneficial twice a day, but it definitely has a positive effect on your general wellbeing and appearance. Plus it tastes really great (with a drop of honey). 

Now my box of Your Tea is up, I struggled to go back to my usual sugary english tea ritual. I was so used to teatox that I want another box to start the whole process again. I highly recommend the brand. Within the box, you receive your 14 pink sachets and a mini booklet on all the wonderful and truthful benefits. Plus it's super affordable.

Try is out for yourself by visiting the website here!

What I used.. click here.

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